Crimes & offences

Listing resources by subject matter. For a complete list, view all resources.

  Resources by subject

Defending Yourself: Assault

Defending Yourself: Assault

Describes how to defend yourself if you’re charged with assault

Crimes & offences


Defending Yourself: Assault

Comment vous défendre d’accusation de voies de fait

Explique comment vous défendre si vous êtes accusé de voies de fait

Crimes & offences


Defending Yourself: Breach of a Court Order

Defending Yourself: Breach of a Court Order

Describes how to defend yourself if you’re charged with breach of a court order

Crimes & offences


Defending Yourself: Mischief

Defending Yourself: Mischief

Describes how to defend yourself if you’re charged with mischief

Crimes & offences


Defending Yourself: Possession of an Illegal Drug

Defending Yourself: Possession of an Illegal Drug

Describes how to defend yourself if you’re charged with possession of an illegal drug

Crimes & offences


Defending Yourself: Possession of Property Under $5,000 Obtained by Crime

Defending Yourself: Possession of Property Under $5,000 Obtained by Crime

Describes how to defend yourself if you’re charged with possession of property under $5,000 obtained by crime

Crimes & offences


Defending Yourself: Theft Under $5,000

Defending Yourself: Theft Under $5,000

Describes how to defend yourself if you’re charged with theft under $5,000

Crimes & offences


Defending Yourself: Theft Under $5,000

Comment vous défendre pour un vol de moins de 5 000 $

Explique comment vous défendre si vous êtes accusé d’un vol de moins de 5 000 $

Crimes & offences


How to Appeal Your Conviction

How to Appeal Your Conviction

Explains how to appeal a conviction for a summary or indictable criminal offence if you don’t have a lawyer

Crimes & offencesLegal system & courts


How to Appeal Your Sentence

How to Appeal Your Sentence

Explains how to appeal your sentence if you’ve been convicted of a summary or indictable criminal offence and don’t have a lawyer

Crimes & offencesLegal system & courts


If You Can’t Get Legal Aid for Your Criminal Trial

If You Can’t Get Legal Aid for Your Criminal Trial

How to apply for a free lawyer if you’re facing a serious and complicated criminal charge, but can’t get legal aid or afford a lawyer

Crimes & offencesLegal help & lawyersLegal system & courts


If You Can’t Get Legal Aid for Your Criminal Trial

Si vous ne pouvez pas obtenir d’aide juridique pour votre procès criminel: Comment faire une demande Rowbotham

Comment demander les services gratuits d’un avocat si vous faites face à une accusation criminelle grave et complexe, mais que vous ne pouvez pas obtenir d’aide juridique ni n’avez les moyens de payer un avocat

Crimes & offencesLegal help & lawyersLegal system & courts


If You’re Charged with a Crime

If You’re Charged with a Crime

Outlines what happens when you’re charged with a criminal offence

Crimes & offencesLegal system & courts


If You’re Charged with a Crime

Si vous êtes accusé d’un crime

Explique ce qui arrive lorsque vous êtes accusé d’un crime

Crimes & offencesLegal system & courts


Is That Legal?

Is That Legal?

Booklet to help youth become safer online when they use social media

Families & childrenCrimes & offences


Is That Legal?

هل هذا قانوني؟

كتيب لمساعدة الشباب في الحفاظ على سلامتهم على شبكة الإنترنت عند إستخدام وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي

Families & childrenCrimes & offences


Is That Legal?

Est-ce légal?

Brochure visant à aider les jeunes à naviguer de manière plus sécuritaire en ligne lorsqu’ils utilisent les les médias sociaux

Families & childrenCrimes & offences


Is That Legal?

ਕੀ ਇਹ ਲੀਗਲ ਹੈ?

ਔਨਲਾਈਨ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਰਹਿਣ ਵਿਚ ਜਵਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਮਦਦ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕਿਤਾਬਚਾ ਜਦੋਂ ਉਹ ਸੋਸ਼ਲ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਵਰਤ ਰਹੇ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ

Families & childrenCrimes & offences


Is That Legal?

¿Es Legal Eso?

Folleto de ayuda para que los (las) jóvenes se mantengan seguros(as) en línea al usar medios sociales

Families & childrenCrimes & offences


Is That Legal?



Families & childrenCrimes & offences

Chinese (traditional)

Is That Legal?



Families & childrenCrimes & offences

Chinese (simplified)

Representing Yourself in a Criminal Trial

Representing Yourself in a Criminal Trial

Explains what happens when an accused person wants to plead not guilty to a summary offence

Crimes & offencesLegal system & courts


Speaking to the Judge Before You’re Sentenced

Speaking to the Judge Before You’re Sentenced

Describes what a convicted person can say to the judge before the judge decides on a sentence

Crimes & offencesLegal system & courts


When You’re Told to Have No Contact”

When You’re Told to Have No Contact”

Explains what it means when the court makes a no contact order against you

Abuse & family violenceCrimes & offencesLegal system & courts
