Legal Aid BC celebrates Duty Counsel Day

Duty Counsel helped families in BC over 27,000 times last year.

October 27 is Duty Counsel Day, an occasion to recognize and honour legal aid lawyers who provide essential legal services to people in need. This support is given free of charge and makes a meaningfully positive difference in the lives of tens of thousands of people across the country who would not have access to representation otherwise.

Ensuring that everyone has equal and equitable access to justice is a vital objective for our organization, and we strive every day to fulfill that mission. The role that Duty Counsel play in accomplishing that work is invaluable and sometimes difficult, and we are proud to acknowledge their dedication and efforts in ensuring those with low incomes have support for family, criminal and immigration cases when they need it most.

We are deeply grateful to work with hundreds of committed and talented Duty Counsel lawyers throughout the province who strive to make a positive difference every day, and we are proud to take a moment to celebrate them and what they do.

You can learn more about duty counsel and download free educational resources at know​du​ty​coun​sel​.ca.

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