Legal Aid BC is governed by a nine-member board of directors. The board is governed by a Governance Manual that reflects established best practices. Per the Manual, “the Board oversees the management of the activities and affairs of LABC on behalf of the Appointing Bodies and takes reasonable steps to ensure that LABC achieves its mandate, vision, and mission. The Board delegates to the CEO overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations of LABC within the parameters set by the Board, the Act, Mandate Letter, and MOU.”
Of our nine board members:
- five are appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Attorney General, and
- four are appointed by the Law Society of BC after consultation with the executive of the BC Branch of the Canadian Bar Association.
The Legal Services Society Act outlines the need for the board as a whole to have a range of knowledge, skills, and experience in such areas as:
- business management and the financial affairs of public and private sector organizations;
- law and the operation of courts, tribunals, and alternative dispute resolution processes;
- the provision of legal aid;
- BC’s cultural and geographic diversity; and
- the social and economic circumstances associated with the special legal needs of people with low incomes.
The board establishes three committees to help it carry out its responsibilities:
- The Executive Committee, which is headed by the board chair and consists of at least three other board directors, and holds all the powers of the board between meetings.
- The Finance and Technology Committee, which assists the board in fulfilling its obligations and oversight responsibilities related to financial planning, the audit process, financial reporting, the system of corporate controls, enterprise risk management, technology strategy and incident responses.
- The Governance and Human Resources Committee, which assists the board in fulfilling its obligations and oversight responsibilities related to key aspects of the employment, performance and succession planning of the CEO, government relations and stakeholder engagement strategies, human resources, EDI approaches, board stewardship, and governance policies.
The board appoints the members of these committees, based on recommendations from the Governance and Human Resources Committee.
Board governance practices
Legal Aid BC is committed to strong corporate governance practices that enable public accountability and transparency. We adhere to the governance principles established by the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO) and are in full compliance with its guidelines.
To maintain excellence in board governance, we review our governance framework regularly to ensure it meets Legal Aid BC’s ongoing business needs while being consistent with recognized best practices.
The following board practices document is in PDF.
Compensation disclosure statements
As required by the Financial Administration Act, under a Treasury Board Directive, Legal Aid BC discloses board remuneration annually: 2023/24 Board Remuneration Disclosure Statement (PDF).