Afghan refugee resettlement questions and answers

Afghan refugee resettlement questions and answers

Are there new initiatives to help Afghan refugees? January 30, 2024

Yes, the federal government has launched a number of special programs to support Afghan resettlement in Canada.

At LABC, we’ll work with our usual partners, such as Kinbrace, to produce materials to guide people in completing resettlement applications.

How is LABC helping Afghan refugees resettle in BC? January 30, 2024

We’ll continue to fund refugee claims for Afghan clients who arrive in Canada or who are here on other authorizations and want to make a claim.

Which services does LABC not provide for potential Afghan refugees? January 30, 2024

LABC is limited to providing legal representation for people living in BC, so we can’t provide a legal aid lawyer to help Afghans living abroad apply for refugee status or resettlement in Canada.

We’ll work to make sure that refugee claim application guides are available in multiple languages, so people in BC can help Afghans outside of Canada complete and submit the necessary forms to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

What services does LABC provide for Afghan refugees? January 30, 2024

LABC’s immigration coverage is for refugees who have entered Canada and want to make a claim for protection under s. 96 or s. 97 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). 

Coverage is based on the risk a person would face if they returned to their country of origin. Afghan people in BC on permits to study, work, or visit may want to make a claim for refugee status.

We fund applications by people living in BC for the following:

  • Refugee status under s. 96 of IRPA (fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion)
  • Protection under s. 97 of IRPA (fear of torture or risk to life, or risk of cruel and unusual punishment or treatment)
  • Permanent resident status on humanitarian compassionate grounds under s. 25 of IRPA for applicants who face unusual, undeserved hardship in their country of origin
  • Pre-Removal Risk Assessment applications (which allows people who are ineligible to make refugee claims in Canada to still have their risk assessed)

We also fund appeals and judicial reviews of Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada decisions.

What resources are available to help Afghan refugees? January 30, 2024

The Legal Aid in BC (LABC) website lists immigration-related Q&As that we’ll continue to update. People with family in Afghanistan can email their questions to and we’ll add the Q&A to the website. We’ll also send out Facebook posts or tweets on X (formerly Twitter) with updated information. (See also our comprehensive refugee resources list.)

We have multilingual publications to help refugee claimants.

  • Our bilingual infocard Need Help with Your Refugee Claim? promotes the legal aid immigration phone line and other legal aid services. This infocard is available online in English and seven other languages, including Pashto and Dari, which are the most widely spoken languages in Afghanistan.
  • Legal Aid Can Help You brochure outlines what legal aid is, and how and where to apply for it.

The Canadian Council for Refugees has a one-pager on the most recent information about programs on resettlement, family reunification, and the situation of refugee claims.

See also the BC CHARMS Refugee Claimant Navigation website to connect with a settlement worker, and to find other resources and services to help you.

You can contact Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

  • Canadians and permanent residents in need of consular assistance in Afghanistan: 1-613-996-8885 or
  • Immigration program for Afghans who assisted the Government of Canada: 1-613-321-4243 or
  • Reuniting Afghan nationals with their families in Canada or Humanitarian program to resettle Afghans outside of Afghanistan: 1-613-321-4243 or