
Mediation is an approach to solving problems in which a third party (a mediator) helps people with family law problems reach a resolution without going to court.

What is a mediator?

Mediators are specially trained to help people resolve conflict. They’re also trained to not take sides. Unlike a judge, a mediator doesn’t impose solutions on people. Instead, the mediator helps people to find their own solutions to their problems. Some mediators are lawyers.

Who can get mediation services?

If Legal Aid is paying for a lawyer to take your family or child protection case, you may be eligible for mediation services and can ask your lawyer about how to get them.

We’ll pay your lawyer to arrange for mediation with a qualified mediator, and prepare for and attend mediation sessions with you. Note that Legal Aid expects that the cost of mediation will be shared equally between the two parties (so will only cover your half of the cost).

If we refused your application because you don’t qualify for legal aid, we may refer you to family justice counsellors for free mediation services.

If you don’t qualify for services through a family justice counsellor, Mediate BC offers low-cost mediation services for eligible clients.