Surveys and evaluations
Legal Aid BC regularly surveys stakeholders for feedback about our programs and services. Stakeholders include the public, LABC clients, lawyers, and LABC staff. LABC also evaluates ongoing services and pilot projects to ensure they're fulfilling their objectives and meeting client needs.
The PDFs of these reports are listed below. To view a report older than six years, see our Archive.
Client Satisfaction Survey
A survey with LABC clients to gain a broader knowledge of the client experience accessing LABC programs and services.
Community Engagement
Evaluation of Community Partners Report, Part 2 (Jan 2022) – Helping People Navigate the Justice System: An Evaluation of Community Partners (Part 2) - This part of the evaluation consists of stories collected from CP locations, as qualitative examples of the impact of providing the Community Partner service.
Evaluation of Community Partners Report, Part 1 (Jan 2022) – Helping People Navigate the Justice System: An Evaluation of Community Partners (Part 1) - This evaluation examines how services are provided across the province to marginalized individuals looking for help to identify and address their legal needs.
Community Dialogues Report – Feedback from community consultation with legal aid clients and service providers across BC regarding legal aid priorities.
Criminal Law Services
Holistic Representation: Enhancing Client-Centred Criminal Legal Aid in BC – Our findings from the Enhanced Services for Criminal Law Clients with Complex Needs (CCCN) project.
Criminal Early Resolution Contract Evaluation (Year 2) – An evaluation of expanded criminal legal aid services to clients who do not qualify for a full representation contract.
Criminal Early Resolution Contract Evaluation (Year 1) – An evaluation of expanded criminal legal aid services to clients who do not qualify for a full representation contract.
Everyday Legal Needs Survey
A survey of British Columbians with low incomes on the types of legal problems they are facing, how they are dealing with these legal problems, and how these legal problems affect their perceptions of the justice system in BC.
2020 Everyday Legal Needs Survey
2018 Everyday Legal Needs Survey
Family Law & Child Protection Services
Indigenous Services
Process evaluation of the Aboriginal Community Legal Worker Program in Duncan & Nanaimo – Evaluation looks at the Aboriginal Community Legal Worker (ACLW) services provided to the Indigenous communities of Duncan and Nanaimo.
Public Legal Education and Information
Achieving Digital Equity project – View reports from Legal Aid BC’s Achieving Digital Equity research project which documented barriers to accessing digital legal resources faced by people in BC.
Online Training for Community-Based Intermediaries: Survey Findings and Implications – Feedback from community workers and other helping professionals about their online training needs and preferences with conclusions and recommended next steps.
Indigenous Public Legal Education and Information: Final Report and Recommendations – A consultation identifying the need for public legal education and information (PLEI) materials in Indigenous communities, with recommendations on various ways LSS can meet the needs of clients from Indigenous communities and improve their access to justice by making Indigenous PLEI more accessible.
MyLawBC Evaluation Report – Assess the efficacy of MyLawBC in terms of reaching target audiences, providing an accessible legal resource to users, providing users with needed legal information, and helping users resolve their legal issues.
MyLawBC: Understanding Outcomes – Investigating the effectiveness of MyLawBC by examining the user journey and what appropriate benchmarks would be for users who complete visits to the MyLawBC website.
Public Opinion Poll
A province wide survey with BC residents to understand the awareness, knowledge, and attitudes around legal aid in BC.
Tariff Lawyer Survey
A survey of legal aid lawyers on their satisfaction with the supports LABC providers to lawyers taking legal aid contracts.