Tariff lawyer roster, recruitment and retention review 

Legal aid BC review

Legal Aid BC (LABC) has begun to review its tariff lawyer roster, recruitment, and retention management. 

LABC relies primarily on tariff lawyers to provide legal representation and advice to low-income clients throughout BC. 

The Review will identify and address areas of improvement for attracting, engaging, and retaining lawyers to do legal aid work in certain areas of law and geographic regions. 

Moreover, LABC would like to better understand its existing roster to provide more support and ensure the management of the roster leads to high-quality services, delivering the best possible outcomes for clients. 

The Review will be led by Lawyer Services who have engaged a consultant: Jawad Kassab (https://​www​.linkedin​.com/​i​n​/​j​a​w​a​d​k​a​ssab/). The overall objective of the Review is to ensure ready access to quality legal services delivered by tariff lawyers. Some areas of consideration will include lawyer supply meeting demand, equitable contract distribution, and providing optimal client outcomes. 

The input of tariff lawyers is important to the success of the Review. In the fall, you’ll be invited to participate in a survey that will help improve LABC’s roster, recruitment, and retention management. The Review will conclude in March 2024 with a report containing recommendations consistent with LABC’s strategic objective of continuous improvement. 

Should you have any questions, please contact Sherry Poirier, LABC’s Manager, Lawyer Services, sherry.​poirier@​legalaid.​bc.​ca or our consultant Jawad Kassab kassabja@​rogers.​com.