Appeals & Judicial Reviews - Lawyer news
Topic: Appeals & Judicial Reviews
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Repeat Violent Offending Intervention Initiative reminder
The Repeat Violent Offending Intervention Initiative (ReVOII) designates specific accused persons to receive dedicated services. If you’re a lawyer…
Transcript service provider change update
As originally advised in Notice to Counsel #127, the Government of BC recently announced a change in court transcript provider to Veritext Canada,…
Criminal Clients with Complex Needs project
Many Legal Aid BC (LABC) clients are brought into frequent contact with the criminal legal system because of significant challenges related to health…
Legal aid navigators help clients with interrelated needs
Do your clients have non-legal issues that take time away from your work on their legal matter? Legal aid navigators can help. These LABC staff…
Impact of Race and Culture Assessments expansion
In early 2023, Legal Aid BC began funding Impact of Race and Culture Assessments (IRCAs). We’re pleased to advise that our funders are open to…
Impact of Race and Culture Assessments
These reports help the court fashion a fit sentence and identify culturally appropriate resources to support rehabilitation.
Job opportunity at Legal Aid BC: Manager, Criminal, Immigration and Appeals
Legal Aid BC has an exciting new job opportunity! Long-term Legal Aid BC Manager David Griffiths will be retiring later this year and LABC is looking…
2020 Client Satisfaction Survey results are in
The majority of Legal Aid BC (LABC) clients feel they are being well-represented, according to the 2020 Client Satisfaction Survey.
Tariff changes coming April 1
We’re preparing our systems and drafting associated changes to the LABC Tariffs, effective April 1, 2021.
Administrative appeals tariff amendments
We recently amended wording in the Administrative Appeals section of the Appeals and Judicial Reviews Tariff.