Criminal - Lawyer news
Topic: Criminal
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New Criminal Duty Counsel Guidelines finalized
Thank you to all counsel who attended information sessions late last year and provided feedback on the Criminal Duty Counsel Guidelines. The…

Repeat Violent Offending Intervention Initiative reminder
The Repeat Violent Offending Intervention Initiative (ReVOII) designates specific accused persons to receive dedicated services. If you’re a lawyer…

IRCA coverage expanded
Impact of Race and Culture Assessments (IRCAs) are currently funded for racialized LABC clients who face a jail sentence of two years or more, or in…

Requesting pre-charge contracts for restorative justice
LABC can approve coverage for clients who face potential criminal charges. Our criminal law team approves funding for these pre-charge contracts…

Get UBC Allard School of Law’s free Resume Book
Looking to hire an articling student? The University of British Columbia’s Peter A. Allard School of Law’s Career Services Office (CSO) invites you…

Trauma-informed course for lawyers
LABC is pleased to welcome Myrna McCallum who will be presenting an online trauma-informed course for lawyers. If you’re unfamiliar with Myrna’s work…

Lawyer orientation manual updates
We’ve updated our lawyer orientation manual. What You Need to Know About Legal Aid Work is a helpful reference tool to learn more about legal aid…

Transcript service provider change update
As originally advised in Notice to Counsel #127, the Government of BC recently announced a change in court transcript provider to Veritext Canada,…

National survey of criminal defence counsel on representation of marginalized clients
Dr. Marianne Quirouette and Dr. Chloe Leclerc at the University of Montreal are conducting a national survey of criminal defence counsel to gain…

Criminal Clients with Complex Needs project
Many Legal Aid BC (LABC) clients are brought into frequent contact with the criminal legal system because of significant challenges related to health…