As you are aware, the Court Services Branch currently provides a document containing all courtroom MS Teams links (the “Live Links” document) to the Law Society of BC, the Canadian Bar Association (CBABC), and Legal Aid BC (LABC). Those organizations then upload the changes to their websites as needed. We have been told that, after February 2025, the live links updates will no longer be sent to these external channels. The MS Teams links will not be available to download from the Law Society portal or from CBABC.
LABC has decided to continue posting and updating the MS Teams links on the Lawyer Portal. However, we will only be checking once a week to ensure that we have the most updated version. The document can also be found on the Access to Court Materials (ACM) website. Please see Accessing Recurring Court MS Teams Links Instructions for Counsel (PDF).
Please also note that if you have not already updated your credential to access ACM, you will need to do so. See Lawyer Credential Download Instructions (PDF). The new Lawyer Credential replaces the previous Member Credential. You will continue to use your BC Wallet to access this credential.