LABC is currently offering support in appropriate cases for Impact of Race and Culture Assessments (IRCAs). First developed in Nova Scotia, and since extended to other jurisdictions in Canada, these enhanced pre-sentence reports aim to provide detailed, culturally relevant information to sentencing judges regarding the impact of systemic racism and other barriers on Black and other racialized accused. Similar to, though distinct from, a Gladue report, these reports provide social context information to assist the court in fashioning a fit sentence and identifying culturally appropriate resources to support rehabilitation.
LABC has received limited funding from the Department of Justice to implement this program, with specific eligibility criteria, and we are slowly building the capacity to deliver these reports. The Department of Justice has provided funding support to build a network of IRCA assessors and to provide training to lawyers and judges across the country. Planning is underway to convene several webinars on IRCAs for defence counsel by spring 2023. Counsel who may be interested in seeking an IRCA on behalf of a client should contact irca@legalaid.bc.ca.