There are 31 communities in BC where you can apply for legal aid and get legal information.
You can apply for legal aid by calling any legal aid location. In-person services are available at some locations around the province. Please call first to see if this is available. (Service hours are Pacific Time unless stated otherwise).
For the Vancouver office, Legal Aid BC encourages in-person services by appointment. Call Vancouver Intake at 604-408-2172 to make an appointment.
Click the community closest to you for:
- the address, phone number, and hours for your local office; or
- nearest courthouse intake location.
Rob Dhanu and Uphar Dhaliwal, Barristers & Solicitors
2459 Pauline Street
Abbotsford BC V2S 3S1
Hours / NotesTue, Wed, and Fri: 9 am to 4 pm
Email: Intake.Abbotsford@legalaid.bc.ca604-852-2141604-746-3331Open in Google Maps AbbotsfordRob Dhanu and Uphar Dhaliwal, Barristers & Solicitors
Abbotsford courthouse32375 Veterans Way
Abbotsford BC V2T 0K1
Hours / NotesMon and Thu: 9 am to 4 pm
604-852-2141604-746-3331Open in Google Maps AbbotsfordPhoto by Courthouse Libraries BC
Campbell River/Courtenay Legal Aid Intake
870D 13th Avenue
Campbell River BC V9W 4H2
Hours / NotesTue, Wed, and Fri: 9 – 11am and 1 – 3pm
778-336-9493Open in Google Maps Campbell River
Chilliwack Legal Aid Intake
Chilliwack Courthouse2nd Floor
46085 Yale RoadChilliwack BC V2P 2L8
Hours / NotesTue and Wed: 9 am to 4 pm
Email: Intake.Chilliwack@legalaid.bc.ca604-793-7243604-792-1910Open in Google Maps Chilliwack
Glenn Stasiuk, Barrister & Solicitor
201 – 10300 10th Street
Dawson Creek BC V1G 3T6
Hours / NotesMon, Tue, Thu: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Closed: 12 pm to 1 pm
(On Pacific Time from March to November)250-782-7366250-782-7746Open in Google Maps Dawson Creek
Courthouse238 Government Street
Duncan BC V9L 1A5
Hours / NotesMon to Fri: 8:30 am to 12 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
250-746-1342778-455-5071Open in Google Maps DuncanPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Charles Hutchinson, Barrister & Solicitor
c/o Fort St. James Courthouse2537 Stones Bay Road
Po Box 2090Fort St. James BC V0J 1P0
Hours / NotesEvery other Mon: 9 am to 4 pm
Cell: 250-570-8161
Email: Intake.Vanderhoof.FtStJames@legalaid.bc.ca250-570-8161250-570-0947Open in Google Maps Fort St. JamesPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Sigrid A. Thompson PLC
203 – 10142 100 Ave.
Fort St. John BC V1J 1Y6
Hours / NotesLegal aid applications by appointment only; Mon Tue, Wed: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
(On Pacific Time from March to November)
Email: Intake.FtStJohn@legalaid.bc.ca250-785-8089250-794-0566Open in Google Maps Fort St. John
Linda D. Locke, QC, Barrister & Solicitor
c/o Upper Skeena Counselling & Legal Assistance Society4305 Field Street
Hazelton BC V0J 1Y0
Hours / NotesMon, Wed and Thu: 9 am to 4 pm
Tue: 1 pm to 4 pm250-842-5218 or 1-877-842-5218250-842-5987Open in Google Maps Hazelton
Murray Armstrong, Barrister & Solicitor
Kamloops courthouse2nd Floor, 455 Columbia Street
Box 28069, Lansdowne POKamloops BC V2C 0C9
Hours / NotesMon to Thu: 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3:30 pm
Intake.Kamloops@legalaid.bc.ca250-314-1900Open in Google Maps KamloopsPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Michael Newcombe, Barrister & Solicitor
Kelowna Law Courts228 – 1355 Water Street
Kelowna BC V1Y 9R3
Hours / NotesMon to Thu: 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm
Fri: 9 am to 12 pm250-763-8613250-763-3594Open in Google Maps KelownaPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Stephen Littley Law Corp.
Nanaimo Courthouse35 Front Street
Nanaimo BC V9R 5J1
Hours / NotesMon: 9 am to 11:30 am
Tue: 9 am to 11:30 am
Thu: 9 am to 11:30 am250-591-4396Open in Google Maps NanaimoPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Stephen Littley Law Corp.
55 Front Street
(rear entrance off Church Street)Nanaimo BC V9R 5H9
Hours / NotesMon, Tue, Thu: 1 pm to 3:30 pm
Wed: 9 am to 11:30 am and 1 pm to 3:30 pm250-591-4396Open in Google Maps Nanaimo
Rob Dhanu and Uphar Dhaliwal, Barristers & Solicitors
Law Courts, Begbie SquareRoom 222 - 651 Carnarvon Street
New Westminster BC V3M 1C9
Hours / NotesMon and Wed: 9 am to 12 pm
604-498-2920Open in Google Maps New WestminsterPhoto by Courthouse Libraries BC
Michael Newcombe, Barrister & Solicitor
Penticton Courthouse106 – 100 Main Street
Penticton BC V2A 5A5
Hours / NotesMon to Thu: 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm
Fri: closed250-493-7164250-493-7165Open in Google Maps Penticton
Charles H. Beckingham, Barrister & Solicitor
c/o Beckingham and Company5029 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V5
Hours / NotesMon to Thur: 9 am to 5 pm
Fri: 9 am to 3 pm250-724-5137 or 1-877-724-0111250-724-4422Open in Google Maps Port Alberni
Port Coquitlam Courthouse
(Vancouver Regional Centre satellite)Room 321 - 2620 Mary Hill Road
Port Coquitlam BC V3C 3B2
Hours / NotesMon to Thu: 9 am to 4 pm
Closed: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm604-408-2172 or 1-866-577-2525Open in Google Maps Port CoquitlamPhoto by Courthouse Libraries BC
Beatrix Josephy Law Corporation
Prince George Law Courts250 George Street
Outside of Courtroom #104Prince George BC V2L 5S2
Hours / NotesWed and Thu: 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
Mailing address: Box 12053, Parkwood PO, Prince George, V2L 0A8250-564-9717Open in Google Maps Prince GeorgePhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Beatrix Josephy Law Corporation
Quesnel Courthouse350 Barlow Avenue
Quesnel BC V2L 2C2
Hours / NotesTue - 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, except the first Tuesday of the month.
Or contact Prince George location - Mon to Thu: 9 am to 12 pm and 1 to 4 pm;
Phone: 250-564-9717; Email:; Visit: 201-1085 Third Avenue250-564-9717Open in Google Maps QuesnelPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Birgit Eder, Barrister & Solicitor
201 – 8171 Cook Road
Richmond BC V6Y 3T8
Hours / NotesMon: 9 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 4 pm
Tue, Wed, and Thu: 1 pm to 4 pm
Fri: 9 am to 12 pm604-370-0094604-370-2414Open in Google Maps RichmondBirgit Eder, Barrister & Solicitor
Chimo Community ServicesRichmond BC V6Y 3Z5
Hours / NotesCall to book a phone appointment
604-279-7077Open in Google Maps RichmondBirgit Eder, Barrister & Solicitor
Richmond Provincial Courthouse7577 Elmbridge Way (Room 123)
Richmond BC V6X 4J2
Hours / NotesTue, Wed, and Thu: 9 am to 12 pm
604-370-0094Open in Google Maps RichmondPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Arthur Channer and Alan Gaudette, Barristers & Solicitors
Salmon Arm Provincial Court550 2nd Avenue NE
Salmon Arm BC V1E 4S4
Hours / NotesTue: 8:30 am to 11:30 am
250-545-3666250-545-4419Open in Google Maps Salmon ArmPhoto by Courthouse Libraries BC
Rob Dhanu and Uphar Dhaliwal, Barristers & Solicitors
Surrey courthouse14340 – 57 Avenue
Surrey BC V3X 1B2
Hours / NotesMon and Thu: 8:30 am to 4 pm
604-498-2920604-746-3331Open in Google Maps SurreyPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Rob Dhanu and Uphar Dhaliwal, Barristers & Solicitors
Unit 3 - 15243 91 Avenue
Surrey BC V3V 7Y1
Hours / NotesMon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4 pm
Email: Intake.Surrey@legalaid.bc.ca604-498-2920604-746-3331Open in Google Maps Surrey
Vancouver Provincial Courthouse
Criminal charges222 Main Street
Vancouver BC V6A 2S8
Hours / NotesOpen in Google Maps VancouverMon, Tue, Thu, and Fri: 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3 pm
Wed: 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 2pmPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Vancouver Regional Centre
Intake425 – 510 Burrard Street
Vancouver BC V6C 3A8
Hours / NotesMon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Wed: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm604-601-6206604-681-2719Open in Google Maps VancouverVancouver Provincial Courthouse
(Robson Square)800 Hornby Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2C5
Hours / NotesOpen in Google Maps VancouverWed: 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 2 pm
Charles Hutchinson, Barrister & Solicitor
2648 Burrard Avenue
PO Box 2090Vanderhoof BC V0J 1A0
Hours / NotesMon to Fri: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Cell: 250-570-8161
Email: Intake.Vanderhoof.FtStJames@legalaid.bc.ca250-570-8161250-570-0947Open in Google Maps VanderhoofCharles Hutchinson, Barrister & Solicitor
Vanderhoof courthouse2440 Bute Avenue
Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0
250-570-8161Open in Google Maps VanderhoofPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Arthur Channer and Alan Gaudette, Barristers & Solicitors
3105 – 31st Avenue, Suite E
Vernon BC V1T 2G9
Hours / NotesMon and Wed: 8:30 am to 3 pm
Thu: 12 pm to 3 pm250-545-3666250-545-4419Open in Google Maps VernonArthur Channer and Alan Gaudette, Barristers & Solicitors
Vernon courthouse3001 27th Street
Vernon BC V1T 4W5
Hours / NotesOpen in Google Maps VernonThu: 8:30 am to 11:30 am
Fri: 8:30 am to 11:30 amPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Roland P. Kuczma, Barrister & Solicitor
Victoria Law Courts850 Burdett Avenue, Room 134A
Victoria BC V8W 1B4
Hours / NotesMon to Thu: 9 am to 12pm and 1 pm to 3:30 pm
Fri: Office closed to the public.250-382-4620250-384-8850Open in Google Maps VictoriaPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Roland P. Kuczma, Barrister & Solicitor
Western Communities courthouse1756 Island Highway
Victoria BC V9B 1H8
Hours / NotesEvery second Wed: 9 am to 11:15 am
Every Thu: 9 am to 11:15 am250-382-4620250-384-8850Open in Google Maps VictoriaPhoto by John Deacon K.C./
Fred Kaiser, Barrister & Solicitor
Williams Lake CourthouseRoom 411
540 Borland StreetWilliams Lake BC V2G 1R8
Hours / NotesWed and Thu: 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3 pm. Or by appointment arranged by the intake worker.
250-267-9154250-398-6602Open in Google Maps Williams LakePhoto by John Deacon K.C./
If you have to call long distance to reach a legal aid location, you can phone Service BC and ask them to put your call through for free.
Remember that if you are using a cell phone, the length of the call may still affect your phone bill.