Legal Aid BC takes all complaints we receive seriously and assesses each one to determine its validity.
We consistently record, acknowledge, and consider all complaints in a timely, fair, and sensitive manner that respects the privacy of all parties. However, statute and policy prevents us from disclosing any information about our legal aid clients.
How do you make a complaint?
If you believe an individual doesn’t qualify for legal aid and would like to make a complaint, you must do so in writing. Please include the following information:
- The individual’s full name
- Their date of birth (if available)
- Details as to why you think the individual doesn’t qualify for legal aid
- Any documents that may support your claim (if available)
You may use the Record of Complaint form (PDF) to submit your complaint. See below for how to submit your complaint.
Audit & Investigation Department
Legal Aid BC
400 – 510 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3A8
Submission guidelines
Please consider the following when submitting your complaint:
- Provide us with a clear idea of the problem you’ve experienced and the solution you want.
- Give us all the relevant information you have (or know about) up front.
- Attach any relevant supporting documents that’ll help clarify your complaint.
- Tell us new facts as they arise.
- Let us know if you no longer want our help.
- Cooperate with us.
- Treat us with respect.
What is our complaint process?
Once our Audit and Investigation Department receives your written complaint, we will:
- Record it and send you an acknowledgement to confirm receipt, within 14 days of receiving your complaint.
- Determine whether the complaint is within our authority. If not, we’ll refer your complaint to the appropriate personnel or departments for resolution.
- Investigate and assess the complaint, and take action where appropriate. However, please note the following:
(a) Privacy and confidentiality obligations prohibit us from sharing details about our investigations with some complainants. If you’re bringing a complaint about a matter that doesn’t relate to yourself, we may not be able to tell you whether the lawyer or the client have contracts with legal aid, or share information about the conduct or outcome of any investigation. Therefore, while we’ll confirm receipt of your complaint, we may not be able to provide further information about steps we may be taking to address it.
We thank you for taking the time to advise us of your concerns.