Child Support Recalculation Service available province-wide

The Child Support Recalculation Service (CSRS) is a free program that helps families review and update eligible child support orders and agreements annually.
Two children standing together looking at ocean

The service adjusts the amount of child support if income has changed so that parents do not have to apply to court to have their child support amounts reviewed. 

Previously limited to Kelowna, the CSRS is now available province-wide. Parents can enroll by contacting the CSRS directly at 1-866-660-2684 or by applying through their online portal using a Basic BCeID account. Parties also have the option of printing the application and mailing it in. A judge may automatically register a parent with the CSRS program if the judge has ordered child support to be recalculated by the service. 

CSRS cannot recalculate all child support orders but their online portal includes a questionnaire that will help you determine if your case is eligible for this service. This fact sheet also provides further information on eligibility criteria, the recalculation process, what happens if updated financial information has not been provided, and how to withdraw from the program.