Legal Aid BC bursaries for upcoming webinars

Legal Aid BC continues to offer bursaries for continuing professional development courses that are relevant to your legal aid practice.
Person using a computer to watch an online webinar.

These courses are coming up soon and are available to attend virtually. 

May 6 (9 am – 5 pm): Family Law Conference: Reach for the Top: Be the Lawyer Clients Swear By, Not At! This conference takes place in Kelowna and can be attended in person or virtually.

May 12 and 13 (9 am – 5:30 pm both days): Family Violence Screening Training for Litigators and DR Professionals

May 25  (9 am – 4:30 pm): Going Solo or Starting a Law Firm 2022

June 2 (9 am – 11:30 am): Family Violence 3: Children

June 2 and 3 (9 am – 4:30 pm both days): Family Law Basics 2022

June 7 (9 am – 4 pm): Criminal Law Practice 2022

To be considered for these bursaries you must have an LABC vendor number, have taken a minimum of three legal aid contracts in the last 12 months, and agree to take a minimum of three contracts in the coming year. 

You can apply for bursaries via our bursary program page. The selection of bursary recipients is at the discretion of LABC.

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