Heads-up: We become Legal Aid BC next month

In mid-March, 2020, the Legal Services Society (LSS) will officially become Legal Aid BC.
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Many people had already been calling us Legal Aid BC for years. It was confusing for the public and it was time to drop the old name and logo.

What the rebranding means for you:

  • The billing portal will no longer be LSS Online” – it will become the Lawyer Portal.
  • Legal Aid BC staff email addresses will end in legalaid​.bc​.ca, but your emails to the current addresses will still reach us.
  • The tariffs were due to be updated, so we’ve decided to call them the Legal Aid BC Tariffs and give them a new look.
  • There are many places in our materials where we refer to LSS Online or LSS, so for a while you may still see the old name as we make the transition.
  • Logging into the portal will stay the same.

If you have questions about the rebranding, please email us at Communications@legalaid.bc.ca.