The majority of these drafts are old and/or attached to contracts that are past their bill-by date. The outdated drafts can make your billing process and recordkeeping more difficult and take up too much storage in the system.
We invite you to review your draft invoices and delete those no longer required. It’s a quick process, and can be done by following these three easy steps:
Step 1: From the LSS Online homepage, navigate to “Contracts” and “Invoices”. This will show you a list of your invoices, across all contracts, from newest to oldest.
Step 2: In the “Status” column, type “Draft” and press ENTER to filter the list by draft invoices.
Step 3: You can then use the “Print View” and “Delete” links to the right of each invoice row to review and delete your drafts.
If you have questions or need assistance, contact Lawyer Support at or 604-601-6155.