Community partners are service providers located throughout BC who can help you:
- get free legal information;
- call legal aid;
- find your nearest legal aid location;
- get legal help online; and
- connect with people who can help.
We have 23 community partners providing services in 29 locations. Service hours listed are Pacific Time, unless stated otherwise.
Canadian Mental Health Association – South Cariboo Branch
555 B South Cedar Ave
100 Mile House BC V0K 2E0
Hours / Notes250-948-0269
250-395-4883250-395-1183Open in Google Maps 100 Mile House
Archway Community Services
Anti Poverty, Advocacy and Addictions ServicesArchway Community Services
Multicultural and Immigrant Integration Services2420 Montrose Avenue
Abbotsford BC V2S 3S9
604-859-7681 ext 315604-859-6334Open in Google Maps Abbotsford
‘Namgis Community Services
South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society
Bella Coola Legal Advocacy Program
Laichwiltach Family Life Society
Archway Community Services
Legal Advocacy Centre located at Chilliwack Community Services8937 School Street
(North Entrance)Chilliwack BC V2P 4L5
604-702-2907604-792-4470Open in Google Maps Chilliwack
Community Connections Society of Southeast BC
209 – 16th Avenue N
Cranbrook BC V1C 5S8
Hours / NotesCall for hours
(Mountain Time zone)250-464-0625Open in Google Maps Cranbrook
Nenan Dane zaa Deh Zona Family Services Society
10615 102nd Street
Fort St. John BC V1J 5L3
Hours / Notes(On Pacific Time from March to November)
250-787-2151 or 1-866-637-2151250-787-2152Open in Google Maps Fort St. John
Laichwiltach Family Life Society
Boundary Family Services Society
(services for women and men)1200 Central Avenue
Grand Forks BC V0H 1H0
250-442-2267 (40259) or 1-877-442-5355250-442-3600Open in Google Maps Grand Forks
Upper Skeena Counselling & Legal Assistance Society
4305 Field Street
Hazelton BC V0J 1Y0
250-842-5218 or 1-877-842-5218250-842-5987Open in Google Maps Hazelton
Empowered Support Services
Lower Similkameen Community Services Society
Lytton Restorative Justice, Prevention, & Education
Lillooet Courthouse615 Main Street
Lillooet BC V0K 1V0
Hours / NotesCall or text for an appointment
250-320-8082Open in Google Maps Lillooet
Lytton Restorative Justice, Prevention, & Education
1570 Silo Road
PO Box 93Lytton BC V0K 1Z0
Hours / NotesCall or text for an appointment
250-455-2304250-455-0297Open in Google Maps Lytton
Community Services
22768 119th Ave.
Maple Ridge BC V2X 4L2
604-467-6911 ext1356604-463-2988Open in Google Maps Maple Ridge
Nicola Valley Advocacy Centre
1999 Garcia Street
Merritt BC V1K 1B8
Hours / Notes8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Email: advocate2@nvac.ca250-378-9632 or 250-280-6102250-378-9796Open in Google Maps Merritt
The Advocacy Centre
Nelson CARES205 Hall Street
Nelson BC V1L 0B4
Hours / Notes(Pacific Time)
250-352-5777 or 1-877-352-5777250-352-5723Open in Google Maps Nelson
North Shore Community Resources Society
201 – 935 Marine Drive
(Capilano Mall)North Vancouver BC V7P 1S3
604-982-3314604-985-0645Open in Google Maps North Vancouver
Haida Gwaii Legal Project Society
Penticton & Area Access Society (The Access Centre)
209 – 304 Martin Street
Penticton BC V2A 5K4
Hours / NotesMon to Thu - 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Email: communityresources@accesscentre.org250-493-6822 ext 2 or 1-866-493-6822250-493-6827Open in Google Maps Penticton
Community Services
Katzie Health & Community Centre19700a Salish Road
Pitt Meadows BC V3Y 2G6
Hours / NotesWed: 1 to 3 pm
604-465-8921604-465-8934Open in Google Maps Pitt Meadows
‘Namgis Community Services
7305 Market Street, Unit A
Port Hardy BC V0N 1A0
250-949-8125 ext 224250-949-7885Open in Google Maps Port Hardy
Powell River Community Resource Centre
LIFT Community Services4752 Joyce Avenue
Powell River BC V8A 3B6
604-485-2004604-485-0995Open in Google Maps Powell River
Sunshine Coast Resource Centre
107A - 5710 Teredo Street
Sechelt BC V0N 3A0
Hours / NotesCall 604-989-5771 or 604-885-4088 for an appointment
Email legalinfo@resourcecentre.ca604-989-5771Open in Google Maps Sechelt
Haida Gwaii Legal Project Society
Trail Family and Individual Resource Centre Society
(FAIR)2079 Columbia Avenue
Trail BC V1R 1K7
Hours / Notes(Pacific Time)
250-364-2326 ext 227250-364-1255Open in Google Maps Trail
Archway Society for Domestic Peace
2400 46th Ave.
Vernon BC V1T 9N5
Hours / NotesTue to Fri
778-212-3259250-558-3856Open in Google Maps Vernon