Fairy Creek and Legal Aid - Update

Legal Aid BC is continuing to assist clients who face contempt proceedings arising from the protest at Fairy Creek.
Old growth trees on Vancouver Island

LABC has adopted specific procedures for people facing criminal enforcement proceedings relating to the court injunction at Fairy Creek, or other criminal charges due to participation in ongoing protests at the site. These procedures ensure clients receive effective assistance and will streamline legal aid applications. 

The volume of alleged cases and specialized nature of these proceedings trigger the LABC Mass Arrest policy. Our approach has three main components: electronic legal aid applications; triage and summary advice; and, deferred assignment of counsel for hearings. Contracts will be issued later in the process so that common legal issues and scheduling concerns can be considered when assigning these cases.

At this time, LABC has received over 125 legal aid applications relating to Fairy Creek. We are encouraging people to apply for legal aid by email as early as possible. This will allow us to manage surges in applications. People can access an information sheet and application form on the LABC website. Lawyers can apply on their client’s behalf online following procedures implemented during COVID-19. 

LABC will continue to monitor the situation as the cases move through the Courts.