Duty Counsel - Lawyer news
Topic: Duty Counsel
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Strengthening legal aid services
There is some good news to report on legal aid in BC; some encouraging steps in the right direction. Thanks to you and your leadership in the legal…
A big duty counsel thank you!
It is National Duty Counsel Day today, October 27, and I want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank the 450 of you who provide duty counsel…
Closures on September 19
Legal Aid BC and all intake offices will be closed Monday, September 19, 2022, for the provincial holiday. See Notice to the Profession NP30,…
Save the date: October 27 is Duty Counsel Day
If you provide duty counsel services, you’ll soon have your day.
Northern virtual bail underway
Procedures governing all bail hearings in Northern BC (Region 5) have changed, effective April 19, 2021.
Free webinar: The Trauma-Informed Approach
Join us on June 2, 12 pm – 1 pm, with presenter Dr. Lori Vitale Cox for a one-hour webinar on Zoom about the effects of trauma while you learn…
Tariff changes coming April 1
We’re preparing our systems and drafting associated changes to the LABC Tariffs, effective April 1, 2021.
Out-of-custody criminal duty counsel survey results
Feedback gathered through an informal survey of lawyers who provide out-of-custody criminal duty counsel services shows what is working with the new…
New and existing resources: Lawyer Portal
Be sure to check the Lawyer Portal regularly as we continue to add materials and resources to support your practice.
Criminal duty counsel: The triage model and what we’ve learned so far
LABC recently introduced the triage model for out-of-custody duty counsel to ensure safety in the court and to help clients navigate a different…