Do I qualify financially for free family legal advice?

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You can get free family legal advice services if your net monthly household income is less than the amount shown for your household size in the table below.

Household size* Net monthly income**
(number of family members) (income after deductions)
1 – 4  $5,640
5 $6,180
6 $6,680
7 or more $7,130

*Family members include children and parent(s) or other adult(s) responsible for and living with the children.

**Income is your net income from all sources (excluding a common-law partner of two years or less).

If you have a family law issue and your income is higher than the limits in the table above, you may still get:

  • brief advice or general help from family duty counsel, if they have time that day (duty counsel give priority to financially eligible clients with urgent matters)
  • up to one hour of advice from a family advice lawyer if you’re in mediation and have received a referral through the family justice counsellors

You can also find information about your legal issue online, including:

What is included in monthly income?

Your monthly income includes your net income and the net income of members of your household.

Monthly income can include any of the following:

  • employment income,
  • self-employed business income,
  • social assistance benefits,
  • Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security benefits,
  • disability pensions or benefits,
  • spousal support,
  • student loans, 
  • money from boarders (including children who pay rent) or rental property,
  • income of spouse, and
  • income of a common-law partner you have lived with for two years or more, or with whom you have a child. 

What isn’t included in monthly income?

Your net income includes your income from all relevant sources, less allowable deductions.

Monthly income does not include:

  • child support,
  • the Child Tax Benefit,
  • the BC Family Bonus,
  • GST payments,
  • tuition or book fees under federal or provincial student loans, or
  • children’s income. 

What’s an allowable deduction?

Your allowable deductions may include:

  • mandatory deductions from your pay such as income tax, EI, and CPP;
  • daycare expenses;
  • Medical Service Plan payments;
  • child or spousal maintenance payments that you or your partner are paying;
  • court fines that, if not paid, will mean you or your partner will go to jail;
  • travel costs for child access visits; and
  • medical or dental expenses or medication you must personally pay for that a doctor says is necessary for you or your dependants.