Parents Legal Centres

Parents Legal Centres (PLCs) help parents with child protection matters in the community.

PLC Banner Image

If a social worker from the ministry or a delegated Aboriginal agency contacts you or visits your home, you may be under investigation. You have the right to free legal advice.

Call the Parents Legal Centre (PLC) immediately to find out if you qualify for a free lawyer and an advocate: 1-888-522-2752 (1-888-LABC-PLC).

The PLC lawyer and advocate can help you address the social worker’s concerns about your children’s safety (child protection) early on. Together they can help you find solutions that work for you and your family.

You may be eligible for PLC services if:

  • you qualify financially, and
  • you are a parent, guardian, or a person standing in the place of a parent.

There are eight PLCs located across BC.

  • Campbell River
    Parents Legal Centre

    870D - 13th Avenue 

    Campbell River BC V9W 4H2

    Hours / Notes

    Mon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
    (Closed from 12 pm to 1 pm for lunch)
    For child protection cases in Campbell River and Port Hardy courts.

    Open in Google Maps Campbell River
  • Duncan
    Parents Legal Centre

    301 - 238 Government Street 

    Duncan BC V9L 1A5

    Hours / Notes

    For child protection cases in Duncan court:
    Mon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (closed 12 pm to 1 pm)

    For Legal Aid applications:
    Mon and Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (closed 12 pm to 1 pm)
    Tue, Wed, Thu: 1 pm to 4:30 pm

    Open in Google Maps Duncan
  • Kamloops
    Parents Legal Centre

    623 Victoria Street 

    Kamloops BC V2C 2B3

    Hours / Notes

    Mon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
    For child protection cases from Kamloops and Merritt courts

    Open in Google Maps Kamloops
  • Prince George
    Parents Legal Centre

    302 - 1488 4th Avenue 

    Prince George BC V2L 4Y2

    Hours / Notes

    Mon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
    (Closed from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm for lunch)
    For child protection cases in Prince George, Fort St. James, and Vanderhoof.

    250-277-0100 or 1-866-577-2525
    Open in Google Maps Prince George
  • Smithers/​Hazelton
    Parents Legal Centre

    1242 Main Street
    PO Box 128

    Smithers BC V0J 2N0

    Hours / Notes

    Mon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
    For child protection cases in Smithers, Hazelton, and Houston.

    Open in Google Maps Smithers
  • Surrey — Newton Town Centre 
    Parents Legal Centre

    308 – 7337 137th Street 

    Surrey BC V3W 1A4

    Hours / Notes

    Mon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
    For child protection cases from Surrey, White Rock, Delta (for cases handled by Métis Family Services, and parts of Langley.

    Open in Google Maps Surrey
  • Vancouver — Provincial Court at Robson Square 
    Parents Legal Centre

    Room 129 - 800 Hornby Street 

    Vancouver BC V6Z 2C5

    Hours / Notes

    Mon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
    For child protection cases from Vancouver and Burnaby.

    604-601-6310 or 1-866-577-2525
    Open in Google Maps Vancouver
  • Victoria
    Parents Legal Centre

    200 - 818 Broughton Street 

    Victoria BC V8W 1E4

    Hours / Notes

    Mon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
    Child protection cases from Victoria and Colwood courts

    Open in Google Maps Victoria

To find a centre near you, see the map below. Enter your address or postal code, or click Use my location button, and then select the checkbox next to Parents Legal Centres.
If you don’t live near a PLC, you may be able to get help at a PLC Network location in your community.

Parents Legal Centres help parents resolve their child protection matters early and collaboratively, offering services at any stage of the child protection matter.

The centres provide:

  • information and advice on options for resolving child protection issues out of court,
  • legal advice and representation, where appropriate, through collaborative processes such as mediation and family case planning conferences,
  • legal advice and representation at uncontested hearings,
  • an advocate who will support you and go with you to meetings and appointments, and
  • referrals to other services, including online resources and other public agencies.