Criminal lawyers needed for Brydges Line

LABC and Assistance Services Group (ASG) are looking for criminal lawyers to provide legal advice through the Brydges Line service.
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The Brydges Line provides immediate telephone legal advice, on a 24/7 basis, to individuals who have been arrested. Brydges Line advice lawyers are required to work eight-hour shifts. ASG, which began operating the service for LABC in 2020, will provide you with resources, training, and a dedicated computer for your home or office to deliver the service. 

The work is flexible, predictable, and you can select the timing and number of shifts to suit your practice. Call volumes vary, but often include slow periods when you can do other work. While on shift, you must be signed into the dedicated computer and wear a headset. Compensation is hourly.

For more information, contact Riyad Bacchus at (888) 225-6824 x75412 or