Lawyer Portal tips

We’ve prepared three Lawyer Portal tips on: How to know if a contract is expiring soon; how to see which tariff items are included in your contracts, and; how to attach more than one document to an authorization form.
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Tip One: How to know if a contract is expiring soon

On the Lawyer Portal home page under Notices, there are three types of notifications for which LABC provides alerts: 

  1. Contract service date expiry: Notice sent three months before a contract ends.
  2. Contract bill-by date expiry: Notice sent one month before the bill-by date expires.
  3. Authorizations that require more information: Notice sent immediately. Please note that this section will only show if an authorization has been submitted and is in the status of Request More Information.


Example tip

Expand each section by clicking the plus sign. Expanding the section provides a thorough list of contract numbers, dates, and client names. Table headings can also be sorted by clicking on them. 

By selecting a heading, a sort icon will appear. Contract numbers and contract dates can be sorted chronologically. Client names can be sorted alphabetically. This sorting for headings also applies to the ALL Contracts page. Please note that only one category can be sorted at a time.

Example of sorting:

Example tip

Example of the ALL Contracts page with sorting ability:

Example tip

Tip Two: How to see which tariff items are included in your contracts

In the Lawyer Portal, select the contract, scroll down to the Contract Tariff Items section (just below Contract Instructions to Counsel) and click the plus sign to expand the section. This will display all tariff items included in your contract.


Example tip

The item will show maximum units, those that have been billed, and available units. The available units, maximum units less billed units, are also visible when preparing an invoice.

Example of Contract Tariff Items on a family contract:

Example tip

Tip Three: How to attach more than one document to an authorization form

To add more than one file to an authorization form, scroll down to the bottom of the form, and select Click here to attach a file. A new box with the heading Attach File will pop up. Click on Choose File to select a file to upload, then click Attach to attach the file to the form. 

To add additional files, select Add attachment to find Click here to attach a file boxes. Select Add attachment as many times as needed to bring up additional Click here to attach a file boxes for each file you wish to upload. 

Select Click here to attach a file to prompt a new box with the heading Attach file. Select Choose file and navigate to the location needed to upload the file, then click Attach to attach the file to the form. Repeat this step as many times as needed to upload all of the files to be included.

Example of how to attach the first file:

Example tip

Example of how to add additional files:

Example tip

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